Scheduled for Tuesday 24th January 2023 at the F6 Large Seminar Room as hybrid event!

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ZAC4 special sessions:

I: Blue Carbon
II: Creative Practices: A tool in coastal and ocean sustainability research?

ZMT Programme Area sessions:

PA1: Towards sustainability in managing aquatic resources: Multiple management approaches for complex social-ecological systems 
PA2: Global Change Impacts and Social-ecological Responses
PA3: Coastal Development and Hinterland Dynamics
PA4: Knowledge Systems and Ecosystem Design
PA5: Ocean literacy, ocean equity and blue leadership


The societal impact of ZMT’s work

ZAC4 organisation team: Achim Meyer, Annabell Klinke, Alejandro Plazas Gómez, Hauke Kegler, Marie Fujitani and Nils Moosdorf


Special sessions

Session 1
Blue Carbon

Chairs: Tim Rixen (WG Carbon and Nutrient Cycling) and Martin Zimmer (Mangrove Ecology)

Nellemann et al. (2009) framed the blue carbon concept with the intention to include marine and coastal ecosystem degradation as well as conversation and restoration into climate change mitigation and adaptation strategies. This encouraged a versatile inter- and trans-disciplinary research and led to an expanded blue carbon concept. In addition to a reliable greenhouse gas accounting it now also includes concepts of how blue carbon ecosystem can be managed in alignment with other mitigation and adaption strategies. Hence, blue carbon is a cross-cutting issue which is of relevance for ZMT. The intension of this session is to provide a platform to introduce blue carbon research at ZMT and to discuss knowledge gaps from a ZMT perspective.


Session 2
Creative Practices: A tool in coastal and ocean sustainability research?

Chairs: Marion Glaser (Social-ecological Systems Analysis ) and Annette Breckwoldt (Social-ecological Systems Analysis)

The Arts are today a newcomer to sustainability research. Diverse creative practices can enable the inclusion of otherwise unheard knowledge into assessment, scenario building and planning work. But there are challenges also. This session reports some contemporary successes and constraints in using arts-based creative practices in ZMT projects SOCPACIFIC and NOCRISES. We distil experiences from fieldwork with coastal stakeholders in tropical locations including Bangladesh, Brazil, Fiji and discuss the role of the Arts in inter- and transdisciplinary sustainability research with associated target conflicts and synergy options.


ZMT Programme Areas


Session PA 1:

Towards sustainability in managing aquatic resources: Multiple management approaches for complex social-ecological systems

Session chairs: Rifki Furqan & Hudu Banikoi (Institutional and Behavioural Economics) and Michael Kriegl (WG Institutional and Behavioural Economics & WG Resource Management)

Coastal areas are highly productive ecosystems and host a large amount of aquatic resources, which humans depend on and exploit, often without regard for long-term sustainability. Human dimensions have become an integral part of the emerging coastal management approach. In managing aquatic resources, there is no single management strategy that ensures sustainability. It depends on many things and is connected to specific social and ecological contexts. The various management tools in managing aquatic resources in the tropics are the central focus of this session. We anticipate receiving contributions on any type of aquatic resource management approach. Any contributions are welcome in this session. It could be research or project proposals; paper manuscripts; peer-reviewed articles; or anything else that could improve our knowledge of how humans could manage aquatic resources. In particular, we expect findings about Marine Protected Areas (MPA), fisheries co-management, fisheries stock assessment models, coral reef conservation, mangrove restoration, social-ecological modelling, Other Effective area-based Conservation Measures (OECM), Rights Based Fisheries Management (RBFM), and customary management. 



Session PA 2:

Global Change Impacts and Social-ecological Responses

Session chairs: Subhendu Chakraborty (Systems Ecology) and Nicolas Da Silva (Complexity and Climate)

Global warming has effects on multiple scales and areas, on various ecosystems and the human societies. Its effects are accentuated and already visible in tropical coasts where populations live in a higher density and is more vulnerable to such changes. In turn, organisms, ecosystems, and human societies show different adaptation strategies to those changes and respond to various drivers generating social, ecological and evolutionary feedback and interactions. Therefore, there is a need to better understand the weather phenomena, their consequences on marine and terrestrial ecosystems, the possible adaptation strategies by ecosystems in response to these, and the potential future trajectories of the earth system over the tropical coastal areas. We invite authors to submit abstracts of works that contribute to advancing the knowledge in either of these research areas through the use of advanced data analysis, dynamic tools and modelling. We aim to building a pan-ZMT modelling platform to bring working groups together and allow for more holistic process understanding. One of the final goal is to build an earth system model coupling atmosphere, ocean, and ecological systems together. This would have great benefits for the international scientific community and especially for partners in tropical countries.



Session PA 3:

Coastal Development and Hinterland Dynamics

Session chairs: Tim Jennerjahn (Ecological Biogeochemistry) and Jewel Das (Social-Ecological Systems Analysis)

Coasts are zones where socio-economic and institutional-political transformation and environmental change processes interact, and where the aggregate social, political, and infrastructural effects of human interventions are particularly strong. Through land-ocean material and energy fluxes the development on land creates challenges in the coastal oceans. Understanding and measuring those changes is pivotal for future infrastructures, challenges of urbanisation and migration, as well as the future quality of the environment in coastal areas.
PA 3 seeks (i) to assess flows of carbon, nutrients, contaminants and water related to a variety of stressors and temporal dynamics at regional scales, (ii) to link those analyses with drivers from the hinterland (e.g. land use change or policy change), and (iii) to assess the impact of hinterland governance/policy on environmental sustainability, social equity and economic viability in the coastal zone.



Session PA 4:

Knowledge Systems and Ecosystem Design (Ecosystem Co-design towards a sustainable Anthropocene)

Session chairs: Marie Fujitani (Deliberation, Valuation and Sustainability) and Hauke Reuter (Spatial Ecology and Interactions)

Programme Area 4 addresses questions related to achieving a more sustainable Anthropocene. This would be characterised by humans actively shaping their environment with specific societal and ecological goals, explicitly paying attention to the influence of local action on regional and global scales. Such strategy requires Ecosystem Co-Design, aiming to sustain or improve the provisioning of ecosystem services and their interface with society through science and participation of local human communities and relevant knowledge providers.
Programme Area 4 works on approaches of how ecosystem management, conservation and co-design can be developed in the light of the ecosystem services required locally, regionally and globally. In this context, a well-defined approach to stakeholder engagement is of utmost importance to achieve genuine co-design, in order to prepare fair participation and negotiation, e.g., among governments, local users and stakeholders, opposing and competing interest groups.The degree of uncertainties in assessing potential desirable and undesirable environmental changes resulting from ecosystem co-design showcases the need for integration of detailed knowledge, empirically based governance frameworks, and management systems that ensure sustainable ecosystem use.



Session PA 5:

Ocean literacy, ocean equity and blue leadership

Session chairs: Rebecca Lahl (Office for Knowledge Exchange) and Achim Meyer (ZMT Academy)

PA 5 is about exchanging knowledge, developing capacities and partnerships that are required for sustainable oceans and coasts for generations to come. PA 5 is a driving force at ZMT for societal impact and it strategically addresses the need for transformative research, knowledge, skills, personal connections and attitude/values for change. In this context, PA 5 supports the four other PAs with its expertise, e.g. via the Office for Knowledge Exchange and the ZMT Academy, and continuously challenges academia in pursuing relevant work with societal impacts. The core of the work conducted in PA 5 is defined by the three concepts of ocean literacy, ocean equity and blue leadership

Ocean Literacy: Ocean literacy within academia and beyond is required to change humanity’s relationship with oceans and coasts. ZMT follows a holistic approach in supporting individuals, organisations and societies in improving capacities and knowledge for the protection and sustainable use of tropical coastal ecosystems.

Ocean Equity: Goods and services provided by the ocean are currently distributed inequitable. Resulting impacts on the environment, human health and welfare are challenges of today and tomorrow. Transformation of our coastal futures comes with a responsibility for ZMT in research, knowledge exchange and training. This includes but is not limited to a sustainable and equitable Blue Economy, and equitable access to data, information, knowledge and technology for partners and society.

Blue Leadership: The Ocean and coastal areas require a responsible leadership that oversees challenges and threats and acts effectively in a responsible, creative way for the ocean, not over the ocean. In each region, country and institution on all levels of society responsible leaders are required that can relate to manifold challenges, develop and
implement innovative, sustainable solutions. ZMT supports this in creating international and inter- and transdisciplinary networks of partners to learn from each other, develop skills and joint visions together.


PA5 invites: Workshop

The societal impact of ZMT’s work

Chairs: Sebastian Ferse (Social Sciences/Institutional and Behavioural Economics), Achim Schlüter (Institutional and Behavioural Economics) & Rebecca Lahl (Office for Knowledge Exchange)

As a Leibniz institute, the work at ZMT inherently is oriented towards addressing societal goals, embedded in our mission to provide the scientific basis for the sustainable use and management of tropical aquatic resources. However, achieving, documenting or even planning for societal impact remains challenging and obscure to many researchers. The use of Impact Pathways and impact narratives can assist in identifying societal goals to contribute to, and to systematically plan for and document the societal impact of our work. They can provide a boundary object for exchange across different disciplines and projects.
In this session, we will present an initial exercise carried out with ZMT’s Programme Area 1 within the frame of the LeNa project, and want to discuss the use, opportunities and challenges of applying the Impact Pathway approach in the work of ZMT. Within tandems, participants will plan a strategy to achieve relevant societal impact (ex ante project planning). Strategies are grouped according to the four scientific programme areas of ZMT.