ZAC5 abstract submission

You are invited to submit your abstract below by choosing “+ New Abstract”.

In case you have no account at the ZAC website, please register below via the “Create an Account” link.

After submission you can still access and edit your submitted abstract until the deadline on Tuesday the 6th December 2023 at 23:59.

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Co-author names can be included via the ‘+’ button in the Author Information section. In case you like to avoid automatic email notification of your listed co-authors please use your own email in the co-author email field again as for technical reasons this has to be a mandatory field which will trigger a confirmation email to all listed authors.

Optional: You are invited to upload a summarizing figure (graphical abstract) or a decorative picture in the Attachments section, to be published together with your abstract on the ZAC5 website.

To be able to submit your abstract you need to have an account. Thus if this is the first time you are using this form, please register to ZAC5 above with the “Create an Account”  link in the box. You need to do it only once, your usual ZMT credentials are not valid at the ZAC website.

Tentative ZAC5 schedule 

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